Nature Blessings

Connect with the earth, transform your life

Welcome friends!  As a Shamanic Practitioner, I believe appreciating nature is the best way to honor Pachamama, Mother Earth.  Offering blessings will help you to focus your intention on simply resonating with the energy of the universe. The natural world is our best teacher for self discovery and inner truth.  When we give gratitude to nature through blessings, we expand our awareness and become better stewards of the planet.  I look forward to working with you!  ~ Jill


Live with Jill


Online & In Person


One Hour


$85 per person

Cultivate your Awareness 

Nature Events

There is something so fun about getting together with other like-minded people, and going on a nature walk!  Energy is exchanged and expanded when you can share your enthusiasm for the outdoors, and there is always something to learn from Mother Earth.  Guided field trips to state parks and sacred sites are amazing ways to align your own energy with Nature Spirits and connect intuitively with plants, rocks, trees, rivers, and lakes.  Nature Events typically last 3 hours in length, and require the ability to maneuver on uneven trails.  Meditations and light yoga poses are included, as well as Reiki healings within a group.  

I will lead all Nature Events.  Dates are still being determined for 2025 ~ Please check back in March for a complete list of summer and autumn events!

Cost:  $85 per/person    

The Medicine Wheel

Work with each direction to expand your relationship with the natural world.  The wind of the South archetype, is the Great Serpent, which helps us to shed our past and shows us how to walk softly on the earth.  The West aligns us with Mother Jaguar, the Guide that protects our medicine space and helps us to live impeccably.  The North is Hummingbird, which calls the Ancient Ones into our medicine space to warm their hands by our fires.  The East represents the Great Eagle Condor, coming to us from the place of the rising sun and creating our world from our desires.  Pachamama, which is Mother Earth, helps us to welcome all Nature Spirits, as well as Grandfather Sun & Grandmother Moon from above.

Each direction is broken down into individual 1 Hour, Online, Live, Sessions with me, and should be spaced two weeks apart. 

Cost:  $85 per/Direction   


A Despacho is a gift you make to honor Pachamama.  A gift bundle is created with biodegradable materials such as;  candy, seeds, spices, and flowers and infused with prayers and intentions.  It is then wrapped in paper like a gift and either buried or burned to release the energy into the universe.  You can also create Despacho mandalas directly onto the earth, like a mosaic of intricately placed items, this intentional activity is steeped in ancient tradition.

I will show you how to create the Despacho of your choice within a 1 Hour, Online, Live, Session.  

Cost:  $85 

Home & Land Clearings

Oftentimes it’s important to clear dense energy and bless spaces on a regular basis ~ especially where illness or sadness has accumulated.  Stagnant places like abandoned buildings, or homes that have been left sitting for long periods of time hold a very low vibrational energy and can feel very heavy when you walk into them.  Land that hasn’t been cleared or that has experienced environmental damage, can hold very stuck energy, and will typically feel frenetic.  It is also important to bless a new home, and to call in the Nature Spirits of the land to be introduced to the new owners.  Whatever the case may be, Home & Land Clearings work to attune people with the land and structures they are a part of.

Simply email me your inquiry and any details regarding the space you want to clear and bless.  I offer 1 Hour, Remote Sessions using specific Distant Reiki, and Earth Wisdom techniques. 

Cost:  $85   


Apachetas are created by piling rocks into either a mound or pillar formation in a spot intuitively chosen within nature.  It can be placed either next to a stream, on a mountain top, or in the middle of a meadow.  The areas are then energetically charged with positive vibes and become vortexes of Love & Light.  You can create an Apacheta in your backyard, or anywhere where you feel called to honor nature.

In this 1 Hour, Online, Live, Class, I will show you how to build an Apacheta, with suggestions for how to more fully connect with the Nature Spirits of the land.

Cost:  $85 

Fairy Doors

In addition to being a Shamanic Practitioner, I am also attuned to the energy of the Anam Sidhe ~ which is Celtic for Fairy Energy.  Having worked with a Celtic Shamanic Practitioner from Ireland, I understand the amazing wisdom of this realm and love to work with their energy.  Invite the Fairies to work with you!  Create a Fairy Door and place it at the base of a tree.  Making your door from naturally found objects like bark, acorns, leaves, and pine cones will signal to the Fairies that you would like to connect with them.  Working with the Fairy Realm offers you the chance to hone your intuitive skill set in a unique way.  This energy taps into your imagination, thereby creating new awareness and perceptions of the world.  Fairies have powerful qualities that will merge with your energy to guide you on your own spiritual path.

In this Live, Online, 1 Hour Session, I will discuss how to intuitively connect with Fairies, and create offerings to honor Pachamama.

Cost:  $85

Crystals & Reiki

As a Certified Reiki Master Teacher in two lineages, I can share with you how to work with crystals in combination with Reiki.  They are a wonderful way to complement your healing practice, and balance your energy with more focus.  I will discuss the benefits of certain crystals, how to create a crystal grid, and offer suggestions for what crystals to use within your personal and/or professional life, meditative practice, or if you are a holistic healer.  

A 1 Hour, Live, Online, Session.  Simply email me what you would like help with regarding crystals and your Reiki practice, prior to your Session.

Cost:  $85  

“Send love to the earth. In everything you say and everything you do. Acknowledge the presence of magic and wonder within the natural world, and it will nurture you beyond measure."

“Rituals are the formulas by which harmony is restored.”

– Mitch Albom

“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.”

– Laura Ingalls Wilder

“Listen to your inner voice... For it is a deep and powerful source of wisdom, beauty and truth, ever flowing through you... Learn to trust it, trust your intuition, and in good time, answers to all you seek to know will come, and the path will open before you.”

– Caroline Joy Adams

“Practice listening to your intuition, your inner voice. Ask questions, be curious, see what you see, hear what you hear, and then act upon what you know to be true. These intuitive powers were given to your soul at birth.”

– Clarissa Pinkola Estes

“Intuition is the wisdom formed by feeling and instinct, a gift of knowing without reasoning. Belief is ignited by hope and supported by facts and evidence, it builds alignment and creates confidence. Belief is what sets energy in motion and creates the success that breeds more success.”

– Angela Ahrendts

My Practice


Wisconsin, USA

Open Hours

Monday – Friday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 3pm – 6pm