My Services

All Natural Mysticism Offerings are Based in Love & Light 

Nature Blessings

Connect with the mystical energy of Nature Spirits.  Work with the Medicine Wheel, create a Fairy Door, and give gratitude for Mother Earth.

Nature Events

There’s nothing like going on a nature field trip with other like minded people to immerse yourself in the spiritual alchemy of the universe!  

Intuition & Spirit Art

Whether it’s Angels, Animals, or Nature ~ you can receive messages and guidance from Spirit, through Intuitive Readings or Spirit Art.

Animal Reiki

To help animals relax and rejuvenate in the comfort of their home.  Animals enjoy the amazing benefits of the incredible System of Reiki!

Crystals & Stones

Have you always wondered how to incorporate these intuitive little beauties into your spiritual practice?

Animal Totems

Are you interested in learning more about what your Animal Totem has to share?  Guided Meditations can offer unique and helpful perspectives.

Online Consultations

Online Consultations are available to discuss how to up level your intuitive skills. Incorporate meditative techniques to create a more rewarding spiritual practice.

Don’t wait to make the shift to a more intuitive life

Nature is calling, can you hear the messages?  Life on earth is changing under our feet, literally.  There is a shift happening on the planet, and we are seeing it play out within nature and us.  Intuitively we feel it, and intellectually we are struggling to cope.  Now is the time to drop your head to your heart and listen to Mother Earth.  How do you want to show up for this incredibly important time on Pachamama?  Don’t wait to make the shift to a more intuitive life ~ connect with the Spirits of Nature today! 

My Practice


Wisconsin, U.S.A.

Open Hours

Monday – Friday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 3pm – 6pm